Saturday 1 January 2011


2011. So, last year is over and this one has begun. Time goes by so fast.
But on the other hand, some things that happened only a short while ago feel like it could have been years since. The days get this strange blue, thin layer of nostalgia over them, and happenings are transferred to this space where time has no meaning - last month, last year, ten years ago. Sometimes it feels like forever, sometimes like just now, sometimes the amount of time does not matter, except for that it is all something that already was.

Well, I guess those are just called memories. Perhaps you know what I mean.

Blogs form this ever changing media in the sense that what you publish is only directly available for a short time; the faster you post the faster old posts disappear to the archives. And while some old posts are viewed over and over again via different sources others will remain unread.

So I thought I'd have kind of a similar diggin-in-the-archives-competition or shall we say give away to the one I did last year, when I asked you to name your favourite post ever on The Freelancer's Fashion Blog.(Surprisingly many thought the best one was written during December 2009, which of course is great as that would mean I just get better by time...or then just that it's not interesting enough or to much bother scrolling back a bit. Heh:)

But anyway, this time it goes like this:
Name or link to your favorite post from 2010 by leaving me a comment.

Just like last year, when Prefecta won the mirror necklace, you will be able to win a surprise gift, something small and pretty.

The competition will be open for about a week or so and you can of course enter from where-ever in the world you are, but do leave me your email if you don't have a blog or page to link to.
Happy New Year!