Thursday 30 July 2009


I'm home again after our trip. It was great.
Here are some of the things we did:

Drove trhough Sweden to Denmark.

Stopped for polkagrisar on the way (I have my mouth full already).

Had a nice flat to stay in in Copenhagen. (Last time there was ten years ago when Julien and I did a two-month exchange. I noticed upon arrival I didn't remember much of the city anymore.)

Met Mari for some coffe and shopping.

Found a vintage sailor inspired dress, among other things.

Strolled around Tivoli.

Stopped at different places and small towns on the way back up.

Went swimming. (It's not me there jumping making the splash though. I'm a bit lame and seldom put my head below the surface. It's beacuse of the hair you know.)

Shouted Cows!/Horses!/Sheep!/Bambis! every time I spotted animals by the road. During some 1600 kilometers that makes quite many, but I just can't help myself.

Now I'll do a quick stop at our summerplace before it's time for Club Wanted, new comissions and back to work, all at once and really soon. Uh.