(Look ma! No hands - and almost no arms either! Great posing I have there, ey? :)
Ta-taa: it has arrived, the temptation I fell for: my Avian dress from Trashy Diva!
And it was delivered straight to my door - now that's what I call service! The doorbell rang and there was the postman and he just handed me my dress over. Why can't all things in life go as smooth?
Turned out it was a tiny bit too loose in the wast though so I was thinking of putting some ribbon in the back to chinch it in. However, after some bubbly and crispy at Punavuoren Putiikki's opening, a whole lot of tapas and sangria there after, an ice cream in the park - strawberry sorbet and peppermint cream. Great combination - and later on a big iced latte on a sunny terrace it fit like a dream! No loose fabric anymore anywhere ;)
But for the record, attaching two ribbons just behind the waist to tie into a bow in the back is an easy way to tuck in a dress a centimeter or two without any needles and pins and cutting. Less risky, easy to detach. Ribbons in the same color as the dress go rather unnoticed but can still make a small nice detail (or if you feel like it, why don't go for contrast colored ribbons as well?)
Oh, and also, since I get the question quite a lot - I can push my pedals perfectly well in my Parikka's. It's not that hard biking in high heeled shoes at all!
(Psst. You can here me quiz at Raio X3m tomorrow on Friday at 14:00 again. Let's see if I can make one more round...)